There is so much fuss about spring cleaning; I mean, everyone wants to clean during the spring season. Most of us however usually don’t pay much attention to the fall season. Isn’t cleaning as important in this season as well?

During spring, everyone will be busy celebrating the cabin fever release. They’d want to enjoy the open windows and the crisp fresh air. They’d also want to bask in the glorious sunshine, but we still are on the spring cleaning train. But what then is the big deal about fall cleaning you might ask? Well, I’ll tell you.

The end of summer may mean that the temperature would be cooling off for the winter. It would, therefore, mean that you might spend a lot of time indoors. Your schedule might be busier over the next couple of months, especially if your kids are in school.

Honestly, the best part about fall cleaning would be the part where we get ready for the festivities. From Halloween to New Year’s Eve, there would be a lot of decorations, cookies, presents, guests, and lots more.

Cleaning during the fall would save you the trouble of doing it twice. All you would need to do during the spring is some light cleaning.

Here is a list of all the extra cleaning that you can do during the fall cleaning, to make your home ready for the festivities.

  •  Clean the outdoor furniture and the stores where it is absolutely necessary.
  • Drain out the pool, then cover to keep dirt from getting into it.
  • Always check around the doors and windows for any stripping and caulking that may need your attention. Repair immediately, so that you may not end up aggravating the damage.
  • Ensure that you replace the furnace filters regularly. Also, it would be a good idea if you can get all your supplies for the year in time.
  •   If your closet has an unorganized clutter, do well to clean and arrange it. You can donate, sell, or store up all the clothes that you’re not using anymore. If they are summer clothes, you can store them up for summer
  •  If you have kids, you should have a try-on with them. Ensure they keep clothes that fit them. Also, ensure to keep winter clothes for your kids.
  •   Regularly wash your windows and their treatment. You can get tips on how to keep your windows clean from Https:// They would give you tips on how to cloudy day, so you can see any left-behind streaks.
  • Dust and wash the walls. You may as well pull down the wall décor and shelves for cleaning.
  • Ceiling fans trap dusts. It is therefore, very important that you clean off the dust on the fans and then wipe it. You can also adjust your fan to turn clockwise, so as to naturally push the rising warm air downward. Know more about this on Https://
  • Replace the batteries on the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Also remember to clean them as well.
  • Ensure that you clean out the humidifier before begin to use the heater.
  • Thoroughly clean your vehicle(s) while the weather is still favourable to do so.
  • Take inventory of all the holiday decorations, and arrange them in an orderly manner so there is no confusion. Store them up in an accessible point.
  • Clean the grouts in the kitchen and bathroom
  • Clean the bathroom doors and shower curtains. Throw out empty bottles and the rusty bins.
  • Take out all the items from the kitchen cabinet. Select the expired products and get rid of them. Clean the inside of the cabinet, replace the liners that need replacing, and then reorganize your kitchen utensils.
  • Decongest the counter space, and make room on your dining table.
  •  Clean all the exhaust and dryer vents.
  •  Clean the light fixtures and the lampshades in your homes. Replace that dead bulb (and if possible, old bulbs) that you have been ignoring.
  • Dispose properly of, any loose and used batteries that may be lying around in your home. You don’t want it to get in the hand of your kids.
  • When you’re done cleaning, ensure to reward yourself. You could light a candle, or take some wine. Do whatever it is you do to relax; treat yourself out for a job well done.

When you should start fall cleaning

No one really knows for sure when they should start cleaning for fall. The short answer is simple; when the fall starts. Fall starts, give or take, around the 22nd of September and last till late December. But you don’t have to start cleaning for fall on this date. There isn’t a laid down rule on when to start however. Thus, you should consider the state of your home and assess when the best time is if you to start.

In other to know when to start, you should ask yourself some questions like;

What kind of fall cleaning do I need to do?

When you know how much cleaning to do then you might know the time that is most suitable for you. You can create a checklist, similar to the one above, so as to provide a guide for your cleaning. If your area is the kind of area that tend to freeze early, then you might want to consider starting your cleaning on time

How much time would you spend cleaning?

Apart from the fact that you would need to clean depending on the weather, you would also have to consider your schedule. Consider holidays as well and other time-consuming activity. 

These are some of the few questions you would need to ask yourself when you’re thinking of when to start fall cleaning.

Final Words

Yes I know, this a really long list, and so, it might not be the best time of the year for. It is not even my best time of the year. But if you do all this cleaning now, you don’t have to worry so much about doing so much work doing the fall season.

Cleaning is not fun, it never is. You can relieve yourself of the stress of cleaning during the festive periods.