Are you looking to find dirty spots in your home and you’re looking for ways to get rid of germs? You’re at the right place.  You might also be wondering how much germ is in your home. Well, I can’t say for sure how much germ-infested your home is, and I’m not even going to pretend that I know.

After extensive research, the NSF international made findings to where bacteria and moulds can be found in homes. They were particularly interested in knowing the level of bacteria like the staph and E. Coil. These kinds of bacteria usually make a person very ill, very fast.

The conclusion from their findings shows the 7 most germ-infested spots in homes. I’ll list them out in no particular order because they are all equally disgusting.

Dishcloths or Sponges

There should be no surprise here. Sponges and dishcloths are one of the dirtiest items in your home and hence, a germ-infested spot. It is why many people are advised about taking considerable attention in cleaning these items. Also, although, this list is no particular order; it is on top of the NSF international’s list.

The reason why moulds and bacteria are on these items is simply cause they are always wet or damp. Also, they are usually warm and frequent dirty water, which is a paradise for bacteria.

After the research, over 75% of the tested kitchen sponges and cloths had a substantial amount of E. Coil or Salmonella. These items are pretty dirty and should be cleaned on a regular basis; it can be a source of illness. Because you use these items all the time to clean the dishes, it is best that you clean it up

Cleaning the sponges and dishcloths are other research on its own that you can check out.

Toothbrush holders

Just like dishracks and sponges need to be cleaned, so also does the toothbrush holder need constant cleaning. You may not know this, but the holder is yet another dirty part of your home that can harbour germs. Although they might not be as disgusting as they may seem, cleaning it is important.

You should know that the brush holders test positive for staph. They also harbour a good amount of mould and yeast. This combination of germs can be very bad to your immune system when or if you do not take care of it. Keeping the toothbrush holder clean is easy; clean it regularly.

Make it part of your cleaning routine to keep the holder clean; at least once a week. To clean, all you need to do is soak both the toothbrush and the holder in water and peroxide. This exercise will do well to loosen every gunk stuck in the brush and holder. You then use a smaller brush to scrub the inside of the holder. After that, then soak both brush and holder in antibacterial mouthwash, or vinegar and you’re done.

Pet food bowls

A lot of people may have heard that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than your mouth. Some also believe it so you can have all the dog kisses can get; but the truth is, it’s not as clean. Yes, naturally, a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s, but with the things a dog picks up with its mouth, it should leave you wondering. They pick up dirt and lick things you may not even want your shoes to touch. So the dog’s mouth might not be as clean as you think. And this should remind you to wash their eating and drinking bowl regularly. This principle applies to all pets, it doesn’t matter your bias.

If you don’t feel like running the pet’s bowl through a dishwasher, you may then wash it. You should wash the bowl regularly, with hot water and soap. After that, you soak the bowl in vinegar and then rinse it properly.

Kitchen Sink

This part of your home cannot be avoided. The sink and the drainage are the perfect spots of harbouring bacteria and hence, a prime germ-infested spot. This is so because, the place is usually moist and warm, the kind of place a bacteria will thrive in perfectly. The sink is also the place where kinds of disgusting stuff go into. We wash our hands in the sink, the food particles go through the sink, and we wash all raw foods there. There is therefore so much dirt in one small area.

The good news is, it is very easy to keep the sink clean. The part you might find a little hard is the dishes. The first thing to do is to empty out the sink. Next, you scrub the sink with a mix like say, the peroxide and baking soda (perfect mix for porcelain sinks). allow the mix to sit for a while, till the sink drain is clear. Rinse the sink then fill it with vinegar and really hot water and let it soak then release it.

Once you’re done with using a sink, remember to always dry it up so that it doesn’t remain moist to attract bacteria.

Knobs, switches, faucets (and every other thing you touch)

This point is actually very obvious if you’re very hygiene conscious. We tend to touch a lot of things daily, sometimes consciously, and other times, unconsciously so. This excessive touching tends to make a clean hand, a bit dirty.

Some of the places we touch afterwards when we come home include; the socket, oven, knobs, stove buttons, and others. We even go on to unconsciously touch our food.  You don’t want to reach for the dial, and then feel crust all over it, now do you?

Thankfully, you can actually clean these spots in your home, rather easily. The very important thing you would have to do however is to add it to your cleaning routine. Clean these things everyday with vinegar and water. You might appreciate the cleaning more during the flu season.

Coffee machine

It may come as a shock to you, but the coffee maker is also another germ-infested place. Luckily, you can clean it up very easily. If you don’t do a regular clean-up, it might become very disgusting. Bacteria like staph, streptococcus, and the bacillus cereus usually remain on the dirty machine.

It is very easy to clean. Just ensure you follow the instructions on how to clean the machine, and you’re good to go.

Having a clean home might take some hard work, but it is worth it in the end. It would keep you and your family safe from diseases, something you don’t want.